
2017—2018 · V. 45 No. 7



Volunteers wanted

Common Threads VII: Artificial Intelligence (Al) and Society

We are looking for a team of five members from OSSTF/FEESO to work on the next Common Threads, our international solidarity program which researches a specific issue and develops curriculum materials for use in public schools. The project team will design classroom-ready activities and resources that utilize multimedia elements in various formats to provide maximum flexibility. Past projects are available online at www.osstf.on.ca under the drop down menu Quick Links.

Advances in technology, specifically in the area of Al, has generated a lot of comment and debate in society. Claims of utopian possibilities and dystopian inevitability are reported in the media. Very little curriculum material is directly available to assist our members in preparing students for a future where Al will become increasingly interwoven in their lives.

The resources created will help to develop awareness in Ontario's high school students of the global impact of their choices and actions so they can make responsible choices for the sake of our collective future.

Members must send a current curriculum vitae (CV) together with the application, a covering letter and a letter of recommendation from their local Bargaining Unit president or District president. Members must possess exceptional skills in curriculum writing or video making and editing. They must be willing to volunteer for all aspects of the project, which includes the planning and structure of the resource along with the travel and final completion of the project. This could be a minimum one-year commitment. The Federation will cover all costs associated with meeting and travel.

The Common Threads application can be downloaded at:

Deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13, 2018. For further information, contact Rob Dubyk by phone 1-800-267-7867 / 416-751-8300 or by email rob.dubyk@osstf.ca.

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