
2016—2017 · V. 44 No. 6



Contract extension and Bill 115 remedy agreements ratified

OSSTF/FEESO members covered by the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act have voted to ratify both an extension to the current central agreements and a remedy for the Bill 115 Charter Challenge. Tentative agreements for both the contract extensions and the remedy had been reached with the provincial government and the school boards associations on February 23. Membership meetings to discuss the details of the agreements were subsequently held in each affected Bargaining Unit beginning on March 20, and all voting was completed by April 7.

Ratification for both the contract extension and the remedy required a double majority, meaning a majority of the total votes cast by OSSTF/FEESO members, as well as approval within the majority of participating Bargaining Units. The extension to the collective agreement was approved by 86.5% of voting members, and by 95.1% of the participating Bargaining Units. The remedy to the Bill 115 Charter Challenge was approved by 77.4% of voting members, and by 95.9% of Bargaining Units.

OSSTF/FEESO entered into discussions about a possible contract extension and remedy subsequent to the September 30, 2016 meeting of Provincial Council. That meeting passed a motion directing the Provincial Executive to pursue extension and remedy discussions, and also endorsed a process for negotiation and ratification. Formal discussions with the provincial government began in October, immediately following the approval of a brief by a special meeting of presidents and chief negotiators from affected Bargaining Units.

Details regarding the timing of payouts related to the Bill 115 remedy have not yet been finalized, and members will be apprised of that information as it becomes available.

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