
2016—2017 · V. 44 No. 6



Canadian Labour Congress Triennial Convention

The 28th Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Triennial Convention will take place May 8–12, 2017 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario. The convention theme is “Together for a fair future.”

Every three years, The Canadian Labour Congress holds a Convention where local unions and labour councils can send delegates and propose resolutions. The resolutions are debated and policies are adopted. At the end of the Convention, the Congress develops an Action Plan based on the adopted resolutions, committee reports and policies that emerge during the convention. This Action Plan becomes the basis of the CLC's work for the next three years. It provides a general guide to the activities of the provincial and territorial federations of labour, local labour councils and affiliated unions as well.

At every convention elections are also held for the executive officers, who serve three-year term.

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