
2016—2017 · V. 44 No. 1



Request for teaching resources on the history and value of labour in Canada

OSSTF/FEESO is looking for proposals for practical, stand-alone, progressive, classroom-ready unit plans of 3-5 lessons in length on the history and value of labour in Canada. Topics such as, but not limited to, parental leave, workers’ compensation, pay equity, same-sex rights, violence in the workplace or, more specific to education, the 1997 political protest or Bill 115 Charter Challenge will be considered.

Active members are invited to submit topic proposals by Friday, October 21, 2016. The proposals selected by OSSTF/FEESO will then need to be developed by the member(s), according to a template that will be provided by the Federation, and submitted by the end of January 2017.

Upon completion, OSSTF/FEESO will pay an honourarium of $1,000 per published unit to the member(s) who submitted it. This will give OSSTF/FEESO the publishing rights to the unit. These units must consist of field-tested, original material that has not been previously published or adapted from existing published material.

Your topic proposal must include the following: the name and contact information of the active member(s) submitting the proposal; the title of the labour history unit; a 200 word executive summary which describes briefly the unit and the course name and code to which it applies; a brief description of how and when the unit was field tested and how successful it was; and a letter of reference from an OSSTF/FEESO colleague confirming the unit’s success and describing its impact on students.

For more information, contact your district office or look for the proposal submission form and complete guidelines under myosstf in the member protected area of the provincial website (DBU010). If you have any questions, please contact Peter Bates (peter.bates@osstf.ca) or Suzette Clark (suzette.clark@osstf.ca) at the provincial office. The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, October 21, 2016.

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