OSSTF/FEESO 101 for Teacher Candidates · Rights and Duties of OSSTF/FEESO Associate Members

Information for Ontario Teacher Candidates

OSSTF/FEESO 101 for Teacher Candidates · Rights and Duties of OSSTF/FEESO Associate Members



Rights and Duties of OSSTF/FEESO Associate Members

The OSSTF/FEESO Constitution and Bylaws govern all aspects of the operation of this union. Under “Bylaw 2: Membership,” teachers in training at the Ontario Faculties of Education are included in the definition of Associate Member.

Rights of Associate Members

As mentioned on the OSSTF/FEESO 101 for Teacher Candidates page, Associate Members are entitled to receive informal and official communications at the discretion of the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive. We also sponsor the OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award for which graduating Intermediate/Senior and Technological Studies teacher candidates at eligible Ontario faculties of education may apply.

Intermediate/Senior or Technological Studies student representatives who sit on the faculty’s Teacher Education Liaison Committee (TELC) not only act as the spokespeople carrying forward concerns of teacher candidates to OSSTF/FEESO and vice versa, but may also be invited to observe local OSSTF/FEESO Teachers’ Bargaining Unit council meetings. OSSTF/FEESO invites one I/S or Tech teacher candidate from each Faculty to attend our annual meeting as our guest.

Duties of Associate Members

As Associate Members, teacher candidates are expected to comply with the same duties of members as are expected of Active Members. These duties include following principles of professional conduct and supporting OSSTF/FEESO strike actions, and are outlined in Bylaw 2.4 – Rights, Privileges and Duties of Members, and Internal Policy 1 - Ethics.  Further information on these duties can be found in more detail in the Related Links below.

Related Links