Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Bursaries

OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members · The OSSTF/FEESO Honorary Membership



The OSSTF/FEESO Honorary Membership

Bylaw 2.1.4 enables the Provincial Executive to confer Honorary Membership: Honorary Membership shall include members who have retired and on whom Honorary Membership has been conferred by the Provincial Executive on the recommendation of a District/Bargaining Unit.

Submitting an Application

The application for an Honorary Membership should be made at least one month in advance of the date of presentation and must be submitted online by clicking on the Nomination Form link below:

The electronic form features file upload capability.  You may submit attachments no larger than 20 MB. Each file should be no more than 3MB.  If you submit your online form with attachments over 20 MB, you will arrive at a Page Not Found error.  If your attachments are large, we recommend you email them to Randi Macdonald or mail them to Chris Goodsir.

Nomination Form



Memberships are awarded on request from the District/Bargaining Unit to retiring members who have at least fifteen years of continuous membership in the Federation, and an active interest in its affairs.  The application for an Honorary Membership should be made at least one month in advance of the date of presentation.  Honorary Members shall include Members who have retired after having performed outstanding service and commitment to OSSTF/FEESO and on whom Honorary Membership has been conferred by the Provincial Executive on the recommendation of a District.  An Honorary Membership may be approved from any District in any one year for every 500 members or greater portion thereof.  Notwithstanding every District shall be allowed to apply for a minimum of two Honorary Memberships each year.


The Provincial Executive will determine which, if any, applicant will receive the award based on the established criteria.  The Provincial Executive reserves the right not to grant the award in any given year.  


Who may propose? Any active Bargaining Unit Member in OSSTF/FEESO.
Who may nominate? A nomination must receive District or Bargaining Unit support to be considered. The District President must nominate.
Who is eligible? All retiring/retired members of OSSTF/FEESO who have at least fifteen years of continuous membership in the Federation and an active interest in its affairs.
What is required? The application form must be completed by the District President and forwarded to the General Secretary, well in advance of the date on which the Certificate, if granted, would be presented.
Where will the presentation occur? At a District meeting or event.
How will winner be notified? The General Secretary will contact the nominator prior to the award ceremony to get winner’s contact information. Only winning entries will be contacted.
Publicity OSSTF/FEESO may publicize the contributions of the award winner in its publications.

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Contact Information

Chris Goodsir

General Secretary

Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation

60 Mobile Dr.
Toronto, ON M4A 2P3

Phone: (416)919-4179

Toll Free: 1(800)267-7867 Ext:243

Fax: 416-751-7079