About Us

How We Are Organized · Provincial Council



Provincial Council

The Provincial Council is the legislative body of OSSTF/FEESO between Annual Meetings. As a result, it is responsible for determination of interim policy, authorization of expenditures as provided for in the bylaws, and the approval or disapproval of provincial action.

As well, since Councillors represent individual districts, sectors and bargaining units, Provincial Council provides an important forum for the expression of district, sector and bargaining unit concerns and interests.

Provincial Standing Committees and Councils

To provide greater access to provincial opportunities for Members, constitutional language was amended at AMPA 2022 requiring Members to take a one-year break from provincial committees and councils once they have completed: Upon the completion of a maximum of one-term and one co-option, or three co-options on any committee or council when appointed by Provincial Council or a committee or council, members will be ineligible to serve on any committee or council for one Federation year.

Please note: the one-year break does not apply when applying for Work Groups, Writing Teams, Mediation Resources Bank, Speaker Bank or Presenter Training.

As well, Members may only serve on one Provincial standing committee or council at a time.

Please note: Members may only serve on one Provincial standing committee or council at a time, which applies to all standing committees and all deliberative standing councils (Judicial Council and the Parliamentary and Constitution Council) to which Members are appointed.

Applications to Provincial Standing Committees and Councils

The OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Council Nominations Committee invites members who are interested in contributing to the work of the Federation by serving on a Provincial Committee or Council to consider making an application.

Applications can be completed by downloading the Application Form and the Confidential Recommendation Form. Documents must be sent to pcapplications-temp2022@osstf.ca.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Federation Year

Applications for the 2024-2025 Federation year are now open.

The deadline for applications to be considered for term appointments is March 1, 2024. The deadline for applications to be considered for co-option appointments is May 1, 2024. Late applications can be received and considered as per the following Provincial Council Handbook procedures: Complete application forms, including the Confidential Recommendation Form, shall be forwarded to the Provincial Office by March 1. Any complete applications received after that time will be considered late, and will be considered for appointment only if there are not enough on time applications for that Provincial Standing Committee or Council. Co-options must be made from applications received at Provincial Office by May 1st. Should there be no applications received by May 1st remaining on file, late applications on file at Provincial Office will be considered.

Please be advised that if you submit an application after the above deadlines, it will be marked as late. 

The Nominations Committee will meet and submit recommendations for approval at April Provincial Council.  Both successful and unsuccessful candidates will be contacted by Giovanna Papatheodorou at the beginning of May, 2024.

In accordance with the OSSTF/FEESO Constitution and Bylaws, please note Bylaw under Duties of Members to OSSTF/FEESO: It shall be the duty of every Member to resign from that office when the member retires to a pension or its equivalent while serving on the Provincial Executive, Provincial Council, a provincial committee, council or as OTF Governor. (A.15)

Please note that if you are appointed to a Committee or Council at the April meeting of Provincial Council, you will be invited to attend the May meeting of the Committee or Council that you were appointed to. The dates for Committee/Council meetings can be found in the online Calendar of Events or downloaded here.

Application Forms

Committee and Council Application Form
Confidential Recommendation Form
Protective Services Committee ONLY Application Form
Protective Services Committee Matrix

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