Soutien financier d’OSSTF/FEESO accordé pour poursuivre son éducation

Bourse J.W. Ansley pour la recherche en éducation · Formulaire de demande : Bourse J.W. Ansley pour la recherche en éducation



Formulaire de demande : Bourse J.W. Ansley pour la recherche en éducation

Si vous soumettez cette demande correctement, vous recevrez une page vous remerciant. Si vous ne la recevez pas, communiquez avec :

Le présent formulaire de demande électronique propose la possibilité de télécharger des documents. Vous pouvez soumettre au total des annexes dont la taille maximum est de 20 Mo.

Si vous soumettez votre formulaire électronique de candidature avec des documents joints qui dépassent 20 Mo, vous serez acheminé à une page d’erreur « Page Not Found ». Vous devrez donc soumettre à nouveau votre formulaire électronique en vous assurant de garder un fichier de documents dont la taille est inférieure à 20 Mo. Pour éviter de vous retrouver sur cette page d’erreur, on recommande que chaque fichier joint ne dépasse pas les 3 Mo.

Si vous avez atteint la taille maximale du fichier et n’avez pas inclus toutes les pièces, envoyez les documents restants par courriel à

* Indique un renseignement requis.



AIDE-MÉMOIRE – Avez-vous inclus les renseignements suivants?

  • Déclaration des dépenses prévues
  • Qualifications professionnelles et académiques
  • Titre du projet de recherche (un projet de maîtrise ou de doctorat peut ne pas être admissible)
  • Durée du projet de recherche proposé
  • Lieu du projet de recherche proposé
  • Résumé du projet de recherche proposé
  • Lettres de recommandation

Date: Monday, July 8, 2024

PART A - Applicant Information

* First Name
* Last Name
* Home Phone
Cell Phone
* Personal email

2. Address (where you want correspondence sent)
* Street Address  
* City/Town  
* Postal Code  
Is this your permanent address?  

3. Membership Information
* OSSTF/FEESO Membership Number
* OSSTF/FEESO District No & Name
* OSSTF/FEESO Bargaining Unit Name

    If other, please specify: 

4. * Name of Employer
  * Name of Work Location/School

5. * Professional Position at Present

6. a) * Indicate whether you have previously received any of the five OSSTF/FEESO scholarships or awards listed below:
What was the value of the award? $
Failure to submit the required written report(s) for any of the above will disqualify your application from being considered for any OSSTF/FEESO scholarships or awards in the future.
  b) * Have you received / are you receiving any scholarships and/or bursaries for the period covered by this application?
      If yes, what is the total value of the funding? $

7. Indicate which of the following will apply while you are involved in your study:
No Leave          
Leave of Absence without pay:   From to
Leave of Absence with pay:            
Sabbatical   From to
Self-funded Leave (x over y plan)   From to
Other:   From to
If ''other'', please specify:            

8. Specify anticipated expenses for your research project:
*   $

9. Academic and Professional Qualifications
  i. Date Received Degrees (including subject area and content specialization, etc.)
  ii. Date Received Diplomas (including subject area and content specialization, etc.)
  iii. Date Received Certificates (including content specialization, etc.)

PART B - Research Information

1. * Title of your research project:

2. * Location(s) where research project will take place:

3. * Length of research program (give inclusive dates - years and months)
  From   to 

4. * Are you currently involved in the above research?
5. * Synopsis
provide a brief synopsis, 150 words maximum, of your proposed plan of study. If you are successful in your application, this synopsis may be used as the basis for any publications describing your award.

6. * Research Goal (max. 500 words)
Outline the goal of the research, research methods to be employed, sources of information, and any previous work completed by you in the area of research.

7. a) Does this research involve human or animal subjects?
  b) If this research involves human or animal subjects, please provide a copy of approval by your employer's/institution's ethics committee.
    Approval attached (Filetypes allowed: .wpd / .pdf / .doc / .docx / .txt)

8. * Describe the relevance of your research to your present job and to education in Ontario.

9. Letters of Recommendation (each letter of recommendation should outline your suitability for this award.) OSSTF/FEESO is unable to advise you what should be contained in your letters of recommendation.

 Indicate the names and positions of persons submitting letters of recommendation on your behalf:
 a) OSSTF Member
* Name
* Position
  Letter attached (File types allowed: .wpd / .pdf / .doc / .docx / .txt)
 b) Additional Colleague
* Name
* Position
  Letter attached (File types allowed: .wpd / .pdf / .doc / .docx / .txt)

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all documentation is received by the provincial office no later than April 1 in order for your application to be considered complete.

I hereby consent to the collection and use of the above-noted information by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. This information shall be used exclusively for the purposes of union administration and the representation of our members.

* Name of applicant: