Soutien financier d’OSSTF/FEESO accordé pour poursuivre son éducation

Fonds d’études de la Fédération pour la famille · Formulaire de demande : Fonds d’études de la Fédération pour la famille



Formulaire de demande : Fonds d’études de la Fédération pour la famille

La candidate ou le candidat doit être un enfant/un beau-fils, belle-fille ou enfant en tutelle d’un membre actif en règle d’OSSTF/FEESO, ou un membre décédé qui était un membre actif en règle d’OSSTF/FEESO avant son décès.

La candidate ou le candidat doit s’être inscrit à un programme postsecondaire de niveau collégial ou universitaire, financé à même les deniers publics, ou à un programme d’apprentissage qui comprend une formation générale offerte par un collège, ou fréquente actuellement un tel programme. 

Si votre demande est sélectionnée, vous recevrez une page de remerciement. Si vous ne recevez pas une confirmation, veuillez communiquer par :

* Indique les informations obligatoires

Cette demande est pour l’année scolaire 2025 – 2026.

La période de soumission est du 16 avril 2024 au 15 avril 2025. Les demandes doivent nous parvenir au plus tard le 15 avril 2025. Il s’agit d’une date limite ferme, sans exception.

Seules les demandes soumises en ligne sont acceptées.

Date Monday, July 8, 2024

Part A - Applicant Information

*Student's First Name
*Student's Last Name
*Student's Birth Date
*Secondary/high school you attended or secondary/high school you are currently attending
*Year you graduated from secondary/high school or the year you will graduate from secondary/high school
* Do you currently hold a high school diploma or post-secondary university degree/diploma, college certificate/diploma, or an apprenticeship?
If "Yes", what degree, diploma, certificate, or apprenticeship did you receive?
In what year did you receive the degree, diploma, certificate, or apprenticeship?
* Will you be receiving a high school diploma or post-secondary university degree/diploma, or college certificate/diploma at the end of this academic school year?

Address where you want correspondence sent:
*Street Address
*Postal Code
Part B - Member Information

Name of parent or guardian who is an active member in good standing of OSSTF/FEESO
*Member's First Name
*Member's Last Name
If the member is deceased, please provide month and year of their passing away.
*The applicant is a:
*OSSTF/FEESO Membership #
*OSSTF/FEESO District Name
*Bargaining Unit
  If other, specify 

*Member's Work Location Name
*Member's Home Telephone   
Member's Cell Phone
*Member's PERSONAL email address (do NOT provide the member's work email address)
* Is the member's permanent address the same as the address where correspondence should be sent as indicated above?
If no, please provide the member's permanent address
Street Address
Postal Code
Part C - Applicant's Post-Secondary Information

*a) Name of post-secondary institution you will be attending OR where you have applied for the upcoming year

*b) Name of program you are currently enrolled or have applied for the upcoming year.

* c) How many years is your post-secondary program?  

*d) In September 2025, what year of your program will you be entering?  

* e) Have you received an OSSTF/FEESO Family Federation Education Fund previously?
If "Yes", what year?
I hereby consent to the collection and use of the above information by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation. This information shall be used exclusively for the purposes of union administration and the representation of our members.
*Name of Parent or Guardian:

Please make sure you have answered all questions completely and accurately before clicking the "Submit" button.