
2017—2018 · V. 45 No. 8



Labour Day

For more than a century in Canada labour councils, local union affiliates workers and their families, and others in the community come together for one day every September to recognize and celebrate the central role workers play in our society and the hard-fought benefits achieved by the labour movement. There are over 75 Labour Day celebrations across the country and almost one half of them are in Ontario.

Following the election of a Progressive Conservative government in Ontario, it is more important than ever for union members to show strength and solidarity by celebrating and participating in Labour Day events in your local community.

The 2018 Labour Day theme is Pharmacare: Let’s get it right. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is encouraging unions and labour councils to mark Labour Day 2018 by building on the momentum gained since the launch of the pharmacare campaign in 2017. Now that it is within reach, we all need to continue the push for a national pharmacare plan that is universal, publicly administered and comprehensive.

The CLC has produced Labour Day materials that districts and members can use at events or on social media. To access the social media banners and sharegraphics go to documents.clc-ctc.ca/communications/LabourDay-2018/Materials/SocialMedia-MediasSociaux.zip

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