
2017—2018 · V. 45 No. 4



Community Outreach through Account #2047

We know that members are more likely to attend an OSSTF/FEESO event if we link that event to a worthwhile community project. Member engagement in our community is one of OSSTF/FEESO’s cornerstone values, clearly identified in our motto: “Let us not take thought for our separate interests, but let us help one another.”

Account 2047, created as a result of an Annual Action Plan initiative, assists Districts and Bargaining Units in providing worthwhile events and programmes in their communities. Accessing this account, the details of which are found in the OSSTF/FEESO Financial Handbook, is simple and will provide your bargaining unit with up to $2000 to put toward meaningful new or existing programmes or events. That assistance could include reasonable time release to organize the event. There is also swag available, so that members participating in these events can be easily identified as OSSTF/FEESO volunteers. Programmes eligible for funding would include member involvement in a charitable organization or a similar opportunity to heighten the profile of OSSTF/FEESO. Endeavours could include arranging a team for Kids Help Phone, organizing member blood drives, participating in a tree-planting initiative in local parks, organizing a clothing drive for local shelters or providing a photo booth at a community event.

To obtain funding, the District or Bargaining Unit President must submit a plan approved by their executive, identifying the organization it is working with and the activity planned. The plan must include details about how the Bargaining Unit will publicize its members’ participation in the event. OSSTF/FEESO has a proud history of giving back to our communities, and with assistance through Account #2047, your Bargaining Unit or District can continue to create positive changes for your members and in your community. If you need assistance with this application or ideas for organizing these types of events, please contact Tracey Marshall at Provincial Office.

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