
2016—2017 · V. 44 No. 5




International Women’s Day on March 8 means different things to different women. It can be time to take action, move our agenda forward and use International Women’s Day as a vehicle for change. It can also be time to celebrate the great gains we have made since we received the right to vote over 100 years ago. This year, the theme Be Bold for Change will be celebrated worldwide, and there are events and marches from Red Deer to Middlesex County and every place in between. With new events being posted daily, it’s best to check for events near you by going to: www.internationalwomensday.com/events

Gender parity is a main focus for activism this year. The World Economic Forum predicts that the gender wage gap will not close worldwide until 2186—clearly not soon enough. In Canada, we are closer than ever. Many organizations, including OSSTF/FEESO, are pushing the Canadian government to adopt recommendations from the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) and the Canadian Women’s Federation (CWF) have diligently prepared and submitted reports to CEDAW for the upcoming review of Canadian women’s rights at the 65th Session of the United Nations in March. One aspect of the report is gender parity. Canada is still lagging behind other countries with respect to women’s rights, particularly for Indigenous women and girls. You can read more about this at: fafia-afai.org/en/fafias-latest-submissions-to-the-cedaw-committee.

For now, women and their allies need to take bold, pragmatic action for change. What was your bold movement? How did you do it? What motivated you? What difference did you make? How can others learn from you? Being involved in your community by lending support, mentoring, and sharing your talents and opinions will help to raise the profile of all women, and will encourage women who are not yet involved in the movement to take action. Be Bold for Change and hold your own event. To help reach others you can post your event on the international women’s day page through the link above. #BeBoldforChange.

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