
2016—2017 · V. 44 No. 1



Bill 132

As part of the “it’s never okay” plan released in March 2015 by the provincial government, Bill 132 became law on September 8, 2016.

The legislation strengthens provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and puts enhanced responsibilities on employers for programs regarding harassment, duties with regards to protections from harassment, and ensuring workers are provided with information and instruction with respect to the contents of the policy and programs.

A key change is that Ministry of Labour (MOL) Inspectors will now have the authority to order an employer to undertake, and pay for, an investigation by an impartial third party.

Finally, due to the increasing rate of reports of sexual violence and harassment raised at post-secondary institutions, the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities Act (MTCU) will also be amended to ensure that each institution:

  1. Has a sexual violence policy as per the regulation
  2. Includes student input into the policy and at each time it is reviewed or amended
  3. Reviews the policy at least every three years
  4. Reports to the Minister on—the number of times support services are accessed, programs to promote awareness, the number of incidents and complaints of sexual violence and the implementation and effectiveness of the policy
  5. Makes an annual report of the items listed in number four to the Board of Governors

Please contact Jane Ste. Marie or Norm Westbury at Provincial Office if you require further information regarding the implementation of Bill 132 by your employer.

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