Public Education

Toward 2022 and Beyond - Provincial and Municipal Election Readiness · Vote - #YourVoteYourVoice



Vote - #YourVoteYourVoice

Voting remains a simple but incredibly important action that all eligible members can take.

One of OSSTF/FEESO’s primary goals for 2022 and beyond is to get as many members as possible to vote for education-friendly candidates.

OSSTF/FEESO encourages members to:

  • make a plan to vote;
  • vote early at advanced polls;
  • bring other eligible voters with you to the polls; and
  • have one-to-one conversations about education-friendly candidates with colleagues, friends, and family.
Ontario By–election — May 2, 2024

Do you live in the Milton, or Lambton-Kent-Middlesex riding? To quickly find out where and when you can vote, go to the Elections Ontario Voter Information Service.

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