Public Education

Toward 2022 and Beyond - Provincial and Municipal Election Readiness · Shareable Graphics & Resources



Shareable Graphics & Resources

The following graphics and resources can be used by members as part of local District/Bargaining or individual members for election readiness efforts. These materials are intended for OSSTF/FEESO members only.

OSSTF/FEESO 2022 Education Platform – Strengthening Public Education – Rebuild Ontario document Provincial Election Manual 2022 Strengthen Public Education - Social Media Toolkit
Strengthen Public Education - Rebuild Ontario document

Download the OSSTF/FEESO 2022 Education Platform - Strengthen Public Education - Rebuild Ontario document.

Provincial Election Manual 2022

Download the OSSTF/FEESO 2022 Provincial Election Manual.

Social Media Toolkit

Download the OSSTF/FEESO 2022 Strengthen Public Education Social Media Toolkit, Provincial election edition.

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